Sunday, March 1, 2009

In the Memory of Tabula Rasa

This post is a dedication to Tabula Rasa, a great MMO cut down in its prime!

Tabula Rasa was an awesome game. It had a unique story-line, wordls, characters, and creatures (Really loved those). But sadly Tabula Rasa (TR) was shut down as of March 1st 2009. On February 28th the final event was a massive battle between the players and the Bane (the main Enemy). What really sucks for me is that I didn't get to play it! Darn Verification Code! Also the fact my Email outlook is on my old crappy computer which uses Dial-Up!

Today, on March 1st 2009 Sunday, I just sent them an Email telling them not to close-down the Official Website Tabula Rasa, and any Fansite their is. Why? Because Every Begining an end, and End is a Begining.

I have come up with an idea for a Tabula Rasa Mod. The Mod will be created on Half-Life 2. The Mod Is called Tabula Rasa: Phoenix. Im creating it so the flame doesn't die. Just like the Phoenix the mod will pick up after Tabula Rasa. The mod will include new worlds, weapons, creatures, and other sentinets.

This is how the story goes:

After the massive Bane assault on the AFS Main base, The Tabula Rasa galaxy was visted by a very powerful, highly religious, very superstitious, greatly xenophobic, and extremley Zealous race known as the Zaltar. The AFS made a deal with the Zaltar: They eleiminate the AFS's enemies, and the AFS eleminates their enemies. Which includes viscous Alien races, Heretical Zaltar, disfigured mutants, and Daemons! Apparently have unlocked a secret power similar to Logos. Except this power is far more destructive, and can lead to mind-shattering insanity! Also this power is what attracts Daemons! This power is called: Psy. Psy obtains it's power from the mind, the reason why it can cause severe brain damage. The AFS have recently created new Logos abilities allowing AFS soldiers to cast Logos abilities similar to Psy powers. They are Called Psy-Logos. The battle against the Bane has been post-pone for a while. The battle against the Zaltarian's Foes is begining! Strong-willed Logos receptives will need strong minds, because Logos receptives can attract Daemons, just like Zaltarian Psy-Users. Like the mighty Phoenix humanity will rise from the ashes and be reborn. The real battle for Earth, and the Human Race has just Begun.

What do you think of that story. Anyway the Woman on the fron of the Tabula Rasa game box was Sarah Morrinson. In this story she persihed defending the AFS. She has been replaced by a new character: Paedro Krol. Hes a mixture of the MAster Chief (Halo) and Marcus Fenix (Gears of War), as in personality, and Toughness! He uses a special Psy-Logos called Destruction. During the game you'll be able to come across him on several times, and he'll be able to tach you some of his Logos skills.

I plan on adding 12 new worlds to the game, and a lot of new enemies, weapons, and other races.

Well I hope some Tabula Rasa players read this. And hopefully NCsoft might just by a tiny chance bring Tabula Rasa back. Or at least keep the Website online, Im gonna need it to make the mod.

Well thats all for now! See you later BlogDogs (got it from Carl Squard).

Oh and tomorow I shall post 3 new posts for FanFiction.Net. Goodbye for Now!

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