Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Foul Forces of Darkness

Here are some of the Foul forces of Darkness!

The Forces of Darkness can take on many forms. Whether it be spawn of Darkness, Alien, Machine, or the Human body, the Forces of Darkness are extremely diverse! Here are some examples of the Foul Forces of Darkness!

Raptileon - Numerous Humanoid Velociraptors (a common concept of alien for me). Raptileons have completly used up all the resources on their home planet, and now resort to Terrorism for survival. This race was one of many races to be recruited by the Darkness. Raptileons usually overhwelm their enemies with their numbers. They also excel in Guerilla Warfare tactics. They often use looted and outdated weaponry from various intergalatic races and organizations, including the Galactic Federation!

Dark Cultist - Many beings worship the Darkness. Humans are a common example. Human cultists often were robes and masks, or they could just simply use the clothes off their backs. Some may be dressed in regular street jackets, and T-Shirts! As for combat, they can use any weapon they find, from a simple rock to a Heavy Duty Laser Cannon! Their fighting skills vary. They can be weak as a playground bully to strong as a 10000-man army. Some cultists receive mutations through worship of their foul gods! The Cultist pictured has an enlarged armed with a sharp clawed hand, and has spikes growing out of his arm!

Zred -

Drones -

DarkloBots - Darklobots are possibly the most common and Dumbest forces of Darkness. Darklobots are a sentient race of robots, and they are increadibly Stupid! Seriously they can't tell what 2+2 is! They make Cosmo look like Einstein! Although really, really, REALLY stupid, Darklobots are numerous. Often armed with assault rifles, they overhwelm their targets and mow anyone done with their guns. Their are many, many, many variations of Darklobots. Common varieties include Rocket-Bots, who carry rocket launchers, Sniper-Bots, who use Sniper rifles (but aren't necessraly skilled marksman), and Marauder-Bots, which are little smarter and carry Shotguns. Other variations are more specialized like the Airborne Air-Warpa, and the Crazed Pyro-Arm. Some Darklobots go through Servo-harnessing, a process which makes them usually smarter. This process usually makes Footsolders, and Conscripts. Footsoldiers are skinnier then most Darklobots, but are smarter and usually carry grenades. Conscripts are dressed in army uniforms and are more skilled soldiers. They come in a number of variants, including SUV Snipers, and IGLA Troopers. The strange head of the Darklobot is a common design for Robots used for the forces of Darkness.

Lyoto -

Grodoes -

Malyenki -

Nasiko -

Indyeka -

Tvyordy -

Balshoi -

Gargantuan -

The Undead -

SoulGone - Soulgone are the souls left by people when their heart has been consumed. Although more numerous then Nobodies, there are fewer variations. Their is the common Minor (Pictured), and Major, but other variations are named after the 22 Major Arcana, such as Fool, Chariot, Strength, and many others, making the total number of Soulgone types 24. Soulgone are quite intelligent and can think and plan like nobodies, but instead of trying to become whole like nobodies, Soulgone just do whatever they want. They often follow anyone who either pays them (Either money, or some... pleasure), or because of their strong will. Soulgone act viscious and berserk in combat, and are quite adaptible in certain situations.

Emotiols -

Daemons - The forces of Darkness are made up of all sorts of Spawns of Darkness, but the most numerous (next to the cultists and Heartless) are Daemons, viscious Unholy spawns of the Dark! Daemons come in many shapes and sizes. There are several Daemon Groups, a sort of classification for daemons who serve different aspects of Darkness. The most common of daemons are the Darkness Daemons, which include Daemonknights (Pictured), Skull Knight, and Hell Troopers. Other variaties include The Daemons of War, Death, Insanity, Terror, Fury, Machine, Hate, Plague, Pestilence, Deception, Pride, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, and Envy. Daemons give of a fell-presence, which can usually corrupt the surrounding area. These unholy beasts are hard to get rid of, but weapons such as the Keyblade, can easilly cut through these abominations!

The Warped -

W.O.D. (Wyrm of Darkness!) -

Rogue Psyker -

Magus -

Marauder -

Ravager -

Dark Priest -

Crazed -

BioBorg -

Mutants -

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