Sunday, March 29, 2009



The children of Darkness... The zeons are demonic races. Part mortal, part-demon!

This post introduces the Zeon Robots, the sons of Darkness!

Zeons often appear as one-eyed robots, and they are usually 8-feet tall. They are bloodthirsty, and sadistic. They enjoying killing people. They kill for fun! Zeons may look like robots, but underneath their armor is what appears to be combination of machine, and demonic flesh! No 2 Zeons are ever the same. Zeons are a warrior race. Their armor is as hard as tank-armor! They are armed with a wide variety of weapons! They are divided into several breeds. The most common are Zakus, Ginns, Jenice, Hizack, Tieren, Gouf, and Doms. Each breed usualy comes equipped with it's own set of weaponry. For example; Zaku's normally use hammerbursts, and Ginns normally carry Lancers. Zuoots prefer boomshots. The zeons are divided into clans, each ruled by a clan lord. A Zeon can challenge the clan lord, and if the challenge kills him, he becomes the new clan lord. Zeons enjoy chopping people to bits. They eat human flesh! They will charge into the field, shove their hand into someone's chest, and ripped their heart out, and eat it whole! Zeons have so many ways of killing people. They often will skin them alive, or cut off their arms, and legs and leave them to die. Zeons will either crush, and ripped little children to shreds, and force the parents to watch every detail of it!

More zeons to come... please leave comments...

Im Mobile!

Yep I have logged onto a mini laptop of mine! Here I don't have access to a scanner to upload my pictures. But I can still update certain posts! I just want to give a big shout out to my Best Friend: JerreyRough! Hope a lot of blog dogs read this blog! Expect this post to be updated!

Anyway heres a picture from Vancouver!

Future Posts: coming REAAL! Soon!

Red vs. Blue

Halo Mods


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Will we Ever See the Surface Again! Characters

Hey Blog Dogs! I Finally posted some images on Blog, welltheir not the first pictures, but I was planning on putting them on my Blog for a while. Yay I know most of them aren't colored, But I will post some colored ones in the near future sometime (Most likly after I get back from Vancouver!). Well Enjoy!

Here are some characters for my FanFic: Will we Ever see the Surface Again!

Kleaven -

Dr. Klevosky -

Cole -

Baird -

The Nojaren -

Tai -

Dizzy -

Fertella -

The Foul Forces of Darkness

Here are some of the Foul forces of Darkness!

The Forces of Darkness can take on many forms. Whether it be spawn of Darkness, Alien, Machine, or the Human body, the Forces of Darkness are extremely diverse! Here are some examples of the Foul Forces of Darkness!

Raptileon - Numerous Humanoid Velociraptors (a common concept of alien for me). Raptileons have completly used up all the resources on their home planet, and now resort to Terrorism for survival. This race was one of many races to be recruited by the Darkness. Raptileons usually overhwelm their enemies with their numbers. They also excel in Guerilla Warfare tactics. They often use looted and outdated weaponry from various intergalatic races and organizations, including the Galactic Federation!

Dark Cultist - Many beings worship the Darkness. Humans are a common example. Human cultists often were robes and masks, or they could just simply use the clothes off their backs. Some may be dressed in regular street jackets, and T-Shirts! As for combat, they can use any weapon they find, from a simple rock to a Heavy Duty Laser Cannon! Their fighting skills vary. They can be weak as a playground bully to strong as a 10000-man army. Some cultists receive mutations through worship of their foul gods! The Cultist pictured has an enlarged armed with a sharp clawed hand, and has spikes growing out of his arm!

Zred -

Drones -

DarkloBots - Darklobots are possibly the most common and Dumbest forces of Darkness. Darklobots are a sentient race of robots, and they are increadibly Stupid! Seriously they can't tell what 2+2 is! They make Cosmo look like Einstein! Although really, really, REALLY stupid, Darklobots are numerous. Often armed with assault rifles, they overhwelm their targets and mow anyone done with their guns. Their are many, many, many variations of Darklobots. Common varieties include Rocket-Bots, who carry rocket launchers, Sniper-Bots, who use Sniper rifles (but aren't necessraly skilled marksman), and Marauder-Bots, which are little smarter and carry Shotguns. Other variations are more specialized like the Airborne Air-Warpa, and the Crazed Pyro-Arm. Some Darklobots go through Servo-harnessing, a process which makes them usually smarter. This process usually makes Footsolders, and Conscripts. Footsoldiers are skinnier then most Darklobots, but are smarter and usually carry grenades. Conscripts are dressed in army uniforms and are more skilled soldiers. They come in a number of variants, including SUV Snipers, and IGLA Troopers. The strange head of the Darklobot is a common design for Robots used for the forces of Darkness.

Lyoto -

Grodoes -

Malyenki -

Nasiko -

Indyeka -

Tvyordy -

Balshoi -

Gargantuan -

The Undead -

SoulGone - Soulgone are the souls left by people when their heart has been consumed. Although more numerous then Nobodies, there are fewer variations. Their is the common Minor (Pictured), and Major, but other variations are named after the 22 Major Arcana, such as Fool, Chariot, Strength, and many others, making the total number of Soulgone types 24. Soulgone are quite intelligent and can think and plan like nobodies, but instead of trying to become whole like nobodies, Soulgone just do whatever they want. They often follow anyone who either pays them (Either money, or some... pleasure), or because of their strong will. Soulgone act viscious and berserk in combat, and are quite adaptible in certain situations.

Emotiols -

Daemons - The forces of Darkness are made up of all sorts of Spawns of Darkness, but the most numerous (next to the cultists and Heartless) are Daemons, viscious Unholy spawns of the Dark! Daemons come in many shapes and sizes. There are several Daemon Groups, a sort of classification for daemons who serve different aspects of Darkness. The most common of daemons are the Darkness Daemons, which include Daemonknights (Pictured), Skull Knight, and Hell Troopers. Other variaties include The Daemons of War, Death, Insanity, Terror, Fury, Machine, Hate, Plague, Pestilence, Deception, Pride, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, and Envy. Daemons give of a fell-presence, which can usually corrupt the surrounding area. These unholy beasts are hard to get rid of, but weapons such as the Keyblade, can easilly cut through these abominations!

The Warped -

W.O.D. (Wyrm of Darkness!) -

Rogue Psyker -

Magus -

Marauder -

Ravager -

Dark Priest -

Crazed -

BioBorg -

Mutants -


Here is the Digimon that I'm entering for a FanFiction.Net Contest. They are listed in order of Digital-Evolution.

This here is LittleEyeMon: Baby Digimon.

He Digivolves into WispMon: In-Training Digimon.

Who then Digivolves into DarkZapMon: Rookie Digimon.

This is CrazedGreyMon. The Champion level of DarkZapMon. He doesn't have only one-leg and one-arm he is just drawn Sideways.

This BerserkMetalGreyMon. The Ultimate level form of CrazedGreyMon.

This is RogueWarGreyMon. He is the Ultimate form of BerserkMetalGreyMon.

There you have it. The Digimon I enter for Bluethunder25's Digimon contest. I hope my character and Digimon get in it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

In the Memory of Tabula Rasa

This post is a dedication to Tabula Rasa, a great MMO cut down in its prime!

Tabula Rasa was an awesome game. It had a unique story-line, wordls, characters, and creatures (Really loved those). But sadly Tabula Rasa (TR) was shut down as of March 1st 2009. On February 28th the final event was a massive battle between the players and the Bane (the main Enemy). What really sucks for me is that I didn't get to play it! Darn Verification Code! Also the fact my Email outlook is on my old crappy computer which uses Dial-Up!

Today, on March 1st 2009 Sunday, I just sent them an Email telling them not to close-down the Official Website Tabula Rasa, and any Fansite their is. Why? Because Every Begining an end, and End is a Begining.

I have come up with an idea for a Tabula Rasa Mod. The Mod will be created on Half-Life 2. The Mod Is called Tabula Rasa: Phoenix. Im creating it so the flame doesn't die. Just like the Phoenix the mod will pick up after Tabula Rasa. The mod will include new worlds, weapons, creatures, and other sentinets.

This is how the story goes:

After the massive Bane assault on the AFS Main base, The Tabula Rasa galaxy was visted by a very powerful, highly religious, very superstitious, greatly xenophobic, and extremley Zealous race known as the Zaltar. The AFS made a deal with the Zaltar: They eleiminate the AFS's enemies, and the AFS eleminates their enemies. Which includes viscous Alien races, Heretical Zaltar, disfigured mutants, and Daemons! Apparently have unlocked a secret power similar to Logos. Except this power is far more destructive, and can lead to mind-shattering insanity! Also this power is what attracts Daemons! This power is called: Psy. Psy obtains it's power from the mind, the reason why it can cause severe brain damage. The AFS have recently created new Logos abilities allowing AFS soldiers to cast Logos abilities similar to Psy powers. They are Called Psy-Logos. The battle against the Bane has been post-pone for a while. The battle against the Zaltarian's Foes is begining! Strong-willed Logos receptives will need strong minds, because Logos receptives can attract Daemons, just like Zaltarian Psy-Users. Like the mighty Phoenix humanity will rise from the ashes and be reborn. The real battle for Earth, and the Human Race has just Begun.

What do you think of that story. Anyway the Woman on the fron of the Tabula Rasa game box was Sarah Morrinson. In this story she persihed defending the AFS. She has been replaced by a new character: Paedro Krol. Hes a mixture of the MAster Chief (Halo) and Marcus Fenix (Gears of War), as in personality, and Toughness! He uses a special Psy-Logos called Destruction. During the game you'll be able to come across him on several times, and he'll be able to tach you some of his Logos skills.

I plan on adding 12 new worlds to the game, and a lot of new enemies, weapons, and other races.

Well I hope some Tabula Rasa players read this. And hopefully NCsoft might just by a tiny chance bring Tabula Rasa back. Or at least keep the Website online, Im gonna need it to make the mod.

Well thats all for now! See you later BlogDogs (got it from Carl Squard).

Oh and tomorow I shall post 3 new posts for FanFiction.Net. Goodbye for Now!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What I Want to Create

This is a list of All the Video-Games I want to make so far.

M is for that this game will start out as a mod.

RO means that this game is a revamped version of the one it is based off of.

T means that people from my High School will be feature as either playable characters of the main character.

Heres the List: (So Far?)

A Lost Friend - T
Anime Gets It!
Ashwaste - An awesome MMO idea of mine!
BloodRage - The main character is a girl from mars. Human of course! Main enemy is Feral Earthlings.
Calvin and Hobbes: Playground of Destruction! - M: Unreal Tournament.
Catdog 2
Catdog 4: to Vancouver!
Chain Reaction
Commond and Conquer: Primeval - M: RA3.
Conglameration - Got the Idea from FanFiction.Net!
Darkend - This includes 2 scenarios: Just Darkend and Catdog 3. T
DarkEnd II - Again 2 scenarios: Darkend 2 and Catdog 5.
Decadence - I plan on having Epic Games, Bungie, and Square Enix team up to make this Game!
Fantasy Ops - T
Jurassic Panic - T , M: Unreal Tournament.
League of War (Major Project of Mine. Requires several gamers to work on!)
My Life - T
Nicktoons Battle Royal - so far seven titles for this series!
Overlord Ashwaste - RO, T
Pit - M: Frontlines Fuels of War.
Plunder - Based off a Dream I Had!
Primeval - T
Psychadelics I, II - T
Rough Life-
Skull Island War - Features spongebob as a Commando! He is Not Gay! okay and don't put any commonts like that on this post. Its for the games im making ONLY! - M: RA3.
Spongebob's Dark Mission: Planned out as a Trilogy. First one will be in Europe, The Second one in Japan, and Finally one here in Good Old Canada. M: Halo.
Spongenator I, II - M: Unreal Tourmanent. I forgot which game i was doing the prototype on!
Stitch! - M: Fallout.
Stitch: BeginWar. - Gears of War.
Stitch: Defender of Disney! Originally Protector of Disney!
Stitch: Defender of Japan.
Tank Girls (Or Eureka NO!) - T
The Mist - An RTS gamers and horror fans.
The World Ends with You: Hate and Sins Edition - RO, T
This is War
Total Drama Island 2!: Skull Island - T M:Haven't decided yet.
Twisted Fantasy-
Ultima -
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - T, M: Fallout.
Unbelievable War
War of Light and Darkness

And here are some mods I also tend to create sometime in the future!

Enemy Territory: Spongebob Squarepants: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.
Gears of War: azeroth: Gears of War 2
Gladiator Zone: Unreal Tournament 3
Grand Theft Dino: Grand Theft Auto 4
Prehistoric: Fallout: Fallout 3
Resistance: Grand Theft Auto 4
Resistance: Fall of Man UT3 edition: Unreal Tournament 3
Spongebob Goes Commando: Unreal Tournament 3
StarShipCraft: Starcraft II
This IS SPARTA!: Fallout 3 or Unreal Tournament 3. Can't Decided or figure out which one is better for this mod.

WarhammerCraft: Starcraft II

See these Sites

Hello Blog Dogs, (Carl squared).

Anyway heres some quite interesting and really awesome sites you should check out.

Mod Database
The Speculative Dinosaur Project

That is All!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

An updation please!

I have returned. I haven't blogged in a while because I'm studying for my final chemistry and biology exams. Anyway i would also like to tell you that the blog would also discuss Being Ian and (one of my favorites!) Yvon of the Yukon!.

Anyway heres a picture of something i drawed.

I call it an Armored Mammoth! Its a anthromorph, a group of reptiles have mimic some characteristics of arthropods, the group which includes Bugs, Insects, centipedes, and spiders.
And another thing he has 6 legs, not 3.

Monday, January 5, 2009


This here is a list of Various TV Shows, Movies, Board Games, and Video-Games that will be talked about here. I don't own any of them (but i do have legal copies) so don't point fingers at me okay.

Act of War
Advance Wars
All Grown UP!
American Dad (I'm Canadian By the Way!)
American Dragon: Jake Long
Angry Beavers
Atomic Betty
Avatar the Last Airbender
Battalion Wars
Battlefield Series
Being Ian
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Camp Lazlo
Class of The Titans
Codename: Kids Next Door!
Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars, Red Alert 3, Generals: Zero Hour, and the ?????
Danny Phantom
Dark Planet: Battle for Natrolis-
Dark Void
Death Note
Delilah and Julius
Devil Survivor
Dexter's Laboratory
Di-Gata Defenders-
Dink The Little Dinosaur
Dino Crisis
Dino Squad
Dinosaur King
Eureka Seven
EVE Online
Extreme Dinosaurs
Family Guy
Far Cry
Final Fantasy Series
Fire Emblem
Fossil League: Dino Tournament Challenge
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Freedom Fighters
Frontlines: Fuels of War
Full Metal Alchemist
George of the Jungle
Godzilla - both Original and American Series.
Gotcha Force
Grand Theft Auto
Harry Potter
Hih Hi Piffy AmiYumi
Hoze Hounds
Iggy Arbuckle
Impossible Creatures
Infinate Undiscovery
Invader Zim
Jackie Chan
Jhonny Test
Jimmy Neutron
Jurassic Park
Kim Possible
King Kong
Kingdom Hearts
Kung-Fu Panda
Land Before Time
Lilo and Stich
Lord of the Rings
Lost Empires: Immortals
Love Hina
Magical DoReMi
Mario Series
Martin Mystery
Mass Effect
Men in Black
Metal Gear Solid
MewMew Power
Monster Buster Club
My Gym partner a Monkey
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Penny Arcade
Persona Series
Phineas and Ferb
Pikmin (espicially this one!)
Pirates of the Carribean
Pretty Cure
Ren and Stimpy
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
Robot Chicken
Rocco's Modern Life
Rumble Roses (No Perv Jokes Okay)
Rugrats (The same as All-Grown Up!)
Saints Row
Silent Hill
Sonic the Hedgehog
Spongebob Squarepants
Squirrel Boy
Star Fox
Star Ocean
Star Wars
Starship Troopers
Storm Hawks
Super Smash Bros.
Supreme Commander
Tak and the Power of JuJu
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of The Abyss
Tales of Vesperia
Team Fortress 2
Team Galaxy
Teen Titans
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Buzz on Maggie
The Fairly Oddparents
The Incredibles
The Marvelous Misadventures
The Proud Family
The Secret Saturdays
The World Ends with You
Total Drama Island
Totally Spies
Transformers (Loved the MOVIE!!!)
Universe at War
Unreal Tournament
Warhammer 40,000
Winx Club
Wolverine and The X-Man
World in Conflict
World of Quest
Yvon of the YUKON! (Love that Show!)
Zixx: Level 1-2-3

And many more!

Also Speculative Bilology Projects such as:

Alien Planet
Alien Worlds
Cosmic Safari
Evolution after Man
Future Evolution
History of Skull Island
Man After Man
Neocene Project
Sagan 4
Star wars - Lots of unique creatures.
The Future is Wild
The New Dinosaurs
The Speculative Dinosaur Project

The works of Nemo Ramjet such as Snaiad

Also the works of Alex Rias for his amazing alien artwork.

And These Mods:

Angels Fall First: Planetstorm - Unreal Tournament 3
Cold War Crisis - CNC Generals Zero Hour
Generation X - CNC Generals Zero Hour
Rise of the Reds - CNC Generals Zero Hour
Shockwave - CNC Generals Zero Hour
War Games Zero Hour - CNC Generals Zero Hour

And a whole lot more!!

Also DeviantArt and FanFiction.Net.

The Begin

This is my first Blog ever! So for now I'll just be discussing some things such as War-Games, Speculative Biology, and Many other stuff.